STOCK CODE: 871946

General Administration of Customs promotes cross-border trade facilitation(China ocean shipping)

Mar 29 2018

The General Administration of Customs together with the relevant departments of the port administration recently announced "Measures to Improve the Facilitation of Cross-Border Trade in China (Trial)", and proposed 18 targeted measures to further optimize the port's business environment and enhance the convenience of cross-border trade in China.化 LEVEL.(China ocean shipping)

In terms of optimizing the customs clearance process, the main measures are to eliminate the exchange of sea bills of lading, speed up the implementation of "serial" and "parallel" declarations and declarations, increase the promotion of the guarantee system, deepen the construction of the "single window" of international trade, and promote one-time cross-sectoral joint Inspection of 5 measures; in terms of simplifying the documentation procedures, the company mainly introduced the realization of electronic transfer of shipping container cargo equipment and port pick-up information, the promotion of electronic import logistics information, simplified application for automatic import permits, and improvement of accompanying documents There are seven measures to apply for a paperless format standard, to replace the paper customs declaration and inspection commission agreement with an electronic entrusted agent, to simplify the import CFC certification exemption workflow, and to simplify the export origin certificate application process. In terms of reducing port charges, we have mainly adopted three measures to standardize and reduce service charges for port inspections and inspections, control unreasonable charges for port operating service companies, and continue to implement exemptions from inspection. There are no problems with foreign trade enterprises (except those with broken trust). Measures. At the same time, the establishment of a sound management mechanism through the establishment of a port clearance clearance evaluation system, a port charge publicity system, and a port clearance opinions complaints feedback mechanism.

**** The measures aimed at reducing the time and cost of the import and export process by optimizing the customs clearance process, simplifying the documentation procedures, reducing port charges, and establishing and improving management mechanisms.

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