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The First China Emergency Exhibition-2016 The 8th Beijing Disaster Reduction Emergency Industry Expo kicks off in June

Oct 24 2015

Core Tips: The First China Emergency Exhibition-2016 Eighth Beijing Disaster Reduction Emergency Industry Expo kicks off in June
      The Beijing International Disaster Prevention and Reduction Emergency Industry Expo is the earliest, largest in the industry, the most comprehensive exhibits, and the widest professional audience in the industry. It has won widespread praise at home and abroad and belongs to the national emergency plan series. It will make another wonderful appearance at the Beijing National Convention Center on June 19-21, 2016. At present, the investment promotion work has been fully launched.china online shipping
      Disaster prevention and mitigation is an important part of national public safety and an important function of government social management. The emergency industry is an industry that provides special products and services for emergency prevention and emergency preparation, monitoring and early warning, and disaster prevention and rescue. . In recent years, China's emergency industry has risen rapidly and achieved considerable development, and has played an important role in responding to emergencies. However, there is still a weak awareness of disaster prevention, mitigation and safety prevention, an imperfect industrial system, insufficient market demand cultivation, and key technical equipment. Slow development and other issues.
      The "8 • 12" particularly serious explosion in Tianjin Port caused huge casualties and property damage. The bloody facts once again sounded the alarm for disaster prevention and reduction. General Secretary Xi Jinping requested that party committees and governments at all levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development and effectively safeguard the lives and property of the people; attach great importance to emergency work and the development of emergency industries; Improving China's comprehensive capabilities for national disaster relief and emergency management has become a top priority.
      Since the start of the event, many exhibitors have enthusiastically applied for exhibits, covering: demolition tools, thermal imager equipment, protective masks, generator equipment, GPS, lighting equipment, high-rise escapes, power distribution vehicles, earthquake warning detection, air respirators, weather Monitoring, water purification equipment, emergency food, marine search and rescue boats, fire fighting equipment, wireless intercom, anti-terrorism equipment, police protection, drones, geographic mapping equipment, military equipment, mobile emergency communication vehicles, square cabins, medical disinfection, etc. Equipment field. In particular, more than 300 military-to-civilian products in the military exhibition area will become the biggest highlight of the 2016 Disaster Prevention Expo.
      Closely cooperate with the national strategy. Under the national macro policy of accelerating the development of the emergency industry, thanks to the extensive participation and support of government authorities, military emergency agencies, civil society groups, manufacturers and distributors, scientific research institutions and industry media, The Expo was a complete success in Beijing, receiving a total of nearly 30,000 professional audiences, with direct transactions exceeding 200 million yuan, achieving good economic and social benefits, and many authoritative media have paid attention. "Disaster prevention is better than disaster relief". The Expo is part of the national comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction strategy. The theme is "Military-civilian integration, science and technology disaster reduction".
      This event was co-sponsored by the China National Defense Disaster Reduction Emergency Industry Association, the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the Medical Equipment Research Institute, the Chinese Medical Rescue Association, and the China Water Conservancy Society Disaster Reduction Professional Committee. During the same period, a variety of exchange activities will also be held such as the disaster prevention emergency summit forum, emergency product display interaction, disaster mitigation emergency knowledge education, and major national project docking.

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